Monday, February 17, 2014

100 Good Things

If you're gonna blame God for the bad, go ahead and blame Him for the good, too. I am so quick to blame God when things are bad. When I lost Henry, some of my first reactions were, "Why would you do this to me, God?" and "You did this." Because I believe in the sovereignty of God, I know my thoughts carry validity. There's no sugar coating it...In His perfect will, He took Henry home. In His perfect will, He also allows cancer, slander, unemployment, failed marriages, and poverty. But that's just part of it. He also allows healthy babies, successful marriages, good health, wealth and prosperity. Best of all, He allows good to arise from bad.

I'm so quick to blame God and so slow to thank Him. Yes, He took Henry for reasons beyond my comprehension, but He gives me day after day with Benjamin. I've probably blamed Him more for losing Henry then I've ever thanked Him for Benjamin. How this must hurt Him. I mean, look at all the healthy days we get. Then one bad diagnosis and all of a sudden God is cruel? He safely leads us home every time we get in the car, but one fatal car accident of a loved one and He is no longer good?

It's so easy to focus on the bad. I have too many moments where I zone in on my great losses. And too few where I focus on what I have. Oh, how this must break His heart. My husband is a great man. He works hard. He serves our family. He is a better husband, man and father every day. Do I tell him this often? Probably not, but I sure do focus on the few flaws he has. How wrong is that? And it's no different with God. It all comes back to renewing the mind. I'm in no way saying I shouldn't cry out to God my deepest thoughts, even if they are ludicrous, pompous, and immature. Being authentic in prayer has been one of the greatest weapons used against The Enemy. But I have got to focus on His goodness. For the one bad thing, I've got to remember the 100 good things. Because there are 100 good things. I don't care how bad life gets, there are always 100 good things.

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